Blog Categories

July, 2010

Welcome to my Blog Buddies

I just wanted to say “welcome” to my blog buddies who have sent in their photos (and even those who haven’t). It was Rhonda’s idea to put a page together so we could put a face with certain names that keep popping up and I love the idea. Just so you know, BBs, this blog gets hundreds of visitors but they don’t always leave a comment. I receive emails through the site every week from fans saying how much they enjoy reading this blog. So thanks for participating!

Scene of a crime

Remember when Robert Blake’s wife met her untimely demise behind Vitello’s Restaurant in Studio City and nobody knew whodunnit? Well, the restaurant is still going strong and has a lounge with live music. I had never been inside before but Denis found out that a group we had seen on PBS was performing last night and we went. They are an “a capella” group called M-Pact and they were amazing! It’s six guys with no instruments at all, just their voices, and you’d swear there was a live drummer and bass and a whole band playing with them. I’ve never seen anything like it in person. As a musician myself, I was mesmerized while they sang, wondering how they did it. The guy who did the drums with his voice even did a drum solo that seemed humanly impossible. Anyway, it was a great night and we parked right where the crime happened, on a side street around the corner. I wonder if they’ll ever find the shooter…

Date Night

Denis and I went to see “In The Heights” at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood over the weekend. First we had dinner at Musso & Frank Grill, one of the oldest restaurants in Los Angeles (since 1919) – I think we had one of the original waiters!  I’m pretty sure I recognized him from the Last Supper. 🙂 But the food was good.  There’s really nothing like seeing a live show and this one was really good.  The highlight of the night?  I actually wore a dress.  There’s no photo of my in my dress but here’s a pretty picture from my garden.  And now a quick game of $10,000 Pyramid:

  • ~ A daisy in bloom.  
  • ~ Jenny in a dress.

        The category:  Things we won’t see again until next spring.