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Photos From Friends

Good news from Sue!

Well eveyone.. Kya had been very depressed for the past month after losing her big sister, Teka.  Our vet told us that she needs a friend.  I am not ready for this but I went online to find husky rescue in PA.  We fell in love with this beautiful boy named LOBO.  We went to meet him after we were approved by the rescue. Heather will probably love this story for the wonderful person that you are fostering homeless dogs.  LOBO came to our home Thursday evening and we are keeping him.  He is five years old and was abandoned by his family.  He came to the rescue not understanding why he was there and very shy.  The rescue gave him nothing but and he came around.  I have not seen my dog Kya so happy in weeks!!  She loves him so much and he is so into her!!  Now our home has two females and two males!! Mike is very happy too!! 🙂  I cannot turn him away.  He needs a home and our baby needs a friend.  I hope you enjoy these pics!!

I have cried everyday since March 4th.  I actually didn’t cry today.  All my love to  everyone who wrote in when our Teka died.  I am sure that I will cry more, she was such an awesome dog.  But I need this right now, he is totally awesome!  And I know Teka would want Kya to have a friend for the remainder of her life.


UPDATE April 6th: Sue sent us a picture of Lobo showing his beautiful eyes.  “And yes he is spoiled,” she said,  “a couch dog already!!  Nothing but the best in this house for these amazing animals!!!  He fits right in!”

Pictures from Sue

Sue sent pictures from their first winter storm… “JJ we are having our first winter storm today (Dec. 29, 2012) and I want to send you these two pics of Teka and Kya. They are calendar beautiful!!! Love, Sue.”

Kya is posing just beautiful and Teka is great.  But when I looked at these pics I thought of you and your awesome photography.  I thought you would enjoy these!!  SNOW DOGS!!!!!!!


My blog buddy, Sue, sent everyone some fun photos on Oct. 28, 2012:

Happy Halloween everyone from, Sue, Mike and my bf Gina. Ha Ha!!! 🙂

Here’s a picture of Kya on her 7th birthday, Oct. 22nd.

I also caught Teka downstairs yesterday staring out the window and I wondered what was capturing her curiosity.

Then I spotted the cat!! 🙂 They honestly had a stare down for an hour!!

Sue needs our prayers

“Jenny, my beautiful niece, Jessica, has been diagnosed with a very rare disease called Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. She is 100 lbs now and is 5′6″. I went to visit her this morning and all I can ask for is more prayers for her. I am so heart broken, she is so positive and I am too! But it is a very serious digestive disorder and the more prayers..the better!! I love you my Jess! ….Aunt Suzy”

“I just wanted to show you how beautiful she is.  This is her before she got sick. She is the one with the leather jacket that I bought her last Christmas. Next to her is my other niece Kiersten and Kyle my nephew in the back. I am so concerned about her I can’t stop crying. She is my sweetheart Jenny.  She is so positive about what is going on.  God Bless her!! Thank you for your prayers!!”

“p.s. She had a craving for a smoothie and I remembered your video and we are taking her one. Keep the prayers coming friends please!  …Sue”

Share Your Pictures…

Posted Feb. 15, 2013

Rhonda made my pork tenderloin dinner and it looks great! She says, “I made your Pork Tenderloin Dinner and it was soo good. I only marinade for 4 hours but I want to try this recipe again and marinade over night and cook it the next day to see if there’s a change with how I made it the first time. You are such a pro at making the best meats look so good. Which I don’t think I did too bad for myself with this recipe. My Mom liked it and that’s a plus :)”

Posted Aug. 18, 2013

This is Marty’s new 2013 Ford Escape. “nice huh? the pickup truck is mine also. It is really a Mazda with a Ford nameplate. Still it is cute though ain’t it?”

Posted Aug. 5, 2012

Sue made my strawberry cake for her mother’s birthday. “Thanks again JJ everyone just loved your cake!!!!”

Posted June 8, 2012

Sue’s “Teka”

“Out for a 5k walk after my 12th birthday (June 8th).”

Sue’s “Teka & Kya”

Of course Kya had to have her head in Teka’s treat bag!! 🙂

Posted June 12, 2012

Rhonda’s Mac ‘n’ Cheese

“Just wanted to show you a photo of your Mac & Cheese I made today. I made another plate because I realized maybe you would want to see us when we make your recipes and how they turn out. This was fun to make. It took effort, but well worth it like you said in your book 🙂 This is really the best Mac & Cheese I’ve had. It’s really good 😉 Now I’m off to clean the kitchen…ugh!…lol… Take care, Rhonda”

Rhonda’s (& Martin’s) Cats


“This is my 9 year old cat Gypsy. She is a tortoiseshell Maine Coon. She is the sweetest nicest cat, but then she does have an attitude from time to time. I got her from my cousin. The momma cat only had one kitten and she kept putting her in the wall down in the basement, so I got her at 5 weeks because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. I had to soften her food until she could eat hard food. I call her Bea-Bea sometime. Oh and Jenny, she is my squirrel catcher ;)”

“This is my 5 year old cat Dixie. She is a black and gray Ocicat. She’s my stray and she was about 6 weeks old when I found her in the backyard. I got all upset because I didn’t want to take her to the pound or a shelter so I kept her. I love her markings. I thought she was a tabby at first but the vet said she looks like a Ocicat because she’s spotted not striped. I will share more photos of her markings later…”

“This is my 2 year old cat Cleo. I don’t know what type of cat she is but she looks and feels like a Ragdoll. She is so soft and fluffy. I got her from my brother. We had Thanksgiving at his house the year my Dad passed and I tried to stay away from the litter of kittens he had because I knew I would end up taking one home. 2 hours after being there, here I am holding her and when I picked her up I knew I wasn’t letting her go…”


Martin says, “This is April she will be nine in the spring. She was rescued from the Ford Plant we had here before it got knocked down.”