Blog Categories

January, 2021

R.I.P. Larry King

I was thrilled when I was invited to be interviewed by Larry King.  I had just created my new “Girls’ Night Out” comedy show for women only but I never expected to be talking to this legendary talk show host. Rest in peace, Mr. King.

Happy New Year, everyone! It was a challenging year that 2020, but I did learn a few things along the way.

1. I finally know what color my hair is. 💇‍♂️

2. I should have invested in jigsaw puzzles. 🧩

3. Cleaning my own house is rewarding. 🧹

4. I should have bought a smaller house. 🏠

5. Ten months of 24/7 with my husband and no one was arrested. It turns out we really like each other. 💏

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I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.