Blog Categories

March, 2012

Where are my tomatoes?

I went out to check my apple tree today and guess who was sitting right underneath it? I don’t care if it’s cute – it’s a menace! …with really adorable ears… No. No. I won’t get caught up in its Easter basket cuteness. He’s just there to ruin my garden!

Seriously, take away those ears and it’s a rodent. … with really soft fuzzy fur… No! I must remember to hate this rabbit. I wonder what he’s thinking? (“Jenny’s a little late with the tomatoes this year. And she thinks it was the squirrel!”)

“Call me now!”

Remember Miss Cleo? She was the wildly popular Jamaican psychic and shaman whose infomercial ran on TV from 1997 – 2002. Miss Cleo was the spokesperson for the Psychic Readers Network, which was a pay-per-call psychic reading service charging $4.99 per minute for a “free reading.” In three years, it’s estimated her service took in one billion dollars through 900 numbers but once the Federal Trade Commission stepped in, the company was charged with deceptive advertising, billing, and collection practices. PRN had to cancel $500 million in customer charges and pay a 5 million dollar fine.

It turned out that Miss Cleo’s real name was Youree Harris and she had never been to Jamaica. So the name was fake and so was the accent. But she was good! Before things went awry, Miss Cleo was a guest on my show and did some readings for the audience. Click here to see.

And the Winners are…

Only one person guessed all four real pears so the other two prizes will go to the first people who got three out of four. I know this was not easy, in fact when I was handling the pears, I had to tap them to make sure I remembered which ones were real.  The real pears were 1 – 3 – 4 – 8.

So here’s who won…

The only person to guess all four real pears was Jason! Good eye or lucky guess!!

The first two people to guess three out of four were Josh and Dan! (both guessed 14-7-8)

Congratulations, guys and I hope you enjoy your show memorabilia. My thanks to everyone for playing. This was lots of fun.  We’ll do it again.

UPDATE: We just heard from Jason and he sent us his picture…

Jason is from  Austin, Texas. He directs creative & product development for a home fragrance line (Seda France).

“I was a big fan of Jenny’s show, and I really love the recipes and cooking videos she posts now – I’m always learning new things from Jenny! Thanks again!”

And winner, Josh, has been a long-time visitor to my website so it’s great that he won today, too.

A Contest for Fans of my Talk Show

Tue., March 13th CONTEST UPDATE…. We’re halfway through the contest and here’s where things stand: Of 37 entries, only one person has guessed all four real pears and seven people have guessed three correct pears out of  four. Of those seven, four of the entries are exactly the same. So as of this update, you are all welcome to make a second guess.

I just uncovered some Jenny Jones Show promotional items and thought someone might like to have them. If you’d like the items in the photo, there’s only one way to get them: it’s a contest! To receive the Jenny Jones fleece zip-up, baseball cap, mug, teddy bear & keychain (I have three sets to give away), all you have to do is guess which pears in the photo below are real and which ones are ceramic. Here’s a clue: four are real and six are ceramic. Pick the four real ones and you win. One guess per person; contest ends Thursday. Which four pears are real? Enter your guesses in the comments below.

Good luck!

Week in Review

An Ohio church is offering a drive-thru Ash Wednesday blessing for parishioners who might be pressed for time. What’s next… confessions on twitter?

A woman in Philadelphia dubbed the “Black Madam” was arrested recently at a so-called “pumping party” where she was about to perform illegal butt injections. All those stupid enough to participate didn’t realize you can obtain the same result by eating doughnuts.

The Six Billion Dollar Man (CSI creator Anthony Zuiker) is in divorce court hell. His soon-to-be ex-wife may be getting $443,528 a month.  All that CSI equipment can’t seem to find evidence of a prenup.

A man in a wheelchair was arrested after robbing a convenience store in Florida. He took a 12-pack of beer and made his getaway but got stuck in the sand behind the store. Police found him there, in his wheelchair, drinking a Bud Light. I’m guessing this was the second 12-pack of the day.

Snooki is pregnant! This pregnancy is going to require a lot of money… unless they sell bulk paternity tests at Costco.