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August, 2022

My Stepmother, Roula, has passed (1929-2022)

She was my father’s second wife and a true mother to me for over 65 years. Here she is, Roula Frangos, when she first met my father in 1955. You can see why he fell in love with her. She was beautiful inside and out. Roula was always kind to me, even when I was not so kind to her, dealing with my parents’ divorce and this new Greek woman in our lives. But I grew to love her and she loved me back, always supporting me in my dreams when no one else did. She celebrated my successes and picked me up whenever I failed.

When I finally made it, she used to carry my picture in her wallet so every time she opened it, someone would see it and say, “OMG, is that your daughter?” She was so proud of me and I loved her so much. Roula, I will miss you forever. ❤️ Rest In Peace.