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September, 2012

Four & a half thousand tomatoes!!

It’s 100 degrees and sunny and I just picked 73 more tomatoes for a new total of 4,502!!

It’s still growing new branches and there are still hundreds of new ones coming.

It’s absolutely mind boggling. And it’s going to be over 100 degrees the next couple of days so who know what will happen.

Shouldn’t I qualify for a farmer’s tax break?

R.I.P., Andy Williams

Andy Williams has passed away at age 84. When I was working as a standup comic, I was lucky to open for him at Harrah’s in Reno in 1987. It was just after my Star Search win and I couldn’t believe I was sharing the stage with the man who sang Moon River. He welcomed me on opening night and I truly enjoyed listening backstage during every show to hear that beautiful, mellow voice. Rest in peace, Andy.

Good news – Bad news

The good news is the rabbit is not eating my tomatoes any more. The bad news is… he found my apples. I went out to check on him yesterday and found a half-eaten tomato. I wondered why he didn’t finish his tomato, until I saw him feasting on one of my apples. It’s a backyard buffet!  This is a dwarf tree so I only have about 20 apples on it right now, as opposed to hundreds of tomatoes still on the vine. Frankly, I’d rather he take the tomatoes since I’m a little tired of picking them every day. By the way, the new total today is 4,321 cherry tomatoes!

When I caught him with the apple, I tried to shoo him away, but he only stepped a few inches away from the apple and stood his ground, making sure I wasn’t going to take it. What would I do with a half-eaten apple? Wait a minute.. getting hit with an apple might knock him unconscious and then the owl could come down and take him away. This is my dream.

The space shuttle – I saw it!

It’s all anyone talked about all week here in Los Angeles. The space shuttle Endeavor made its final voyage today on the back of a 747 on its way to the California Science Center here in L.A.. After leaving Edwards Air Force Base, it flew over Sacramento and San Francisco and then did the most amazing flyover all over Los Angeles, really close to the ground. It allowed people all over the city to see it, many of whom were brought to tears. It flew over the Hollywood sign, Disneyland, Universal Studios, the Getty Center, Malibu, the Queen Mary in Long Beach, Disneyland, the Griffith Observatory, the Getty Center, weaving back and forth all over the city. I pulled over on Mulholland Drive and watched along with a crowd of people… and there it was!  How exciting to see this part of history! I took this photo which I’ll treasure forever.

Below is the flight path taken by the shuttle today. It flew over many of our famous landmarks where thousands of people gathered to see the flyover. What an exciting day!

Living in fear

I shouldn’t have to live in fear, but I do. I shouldn’t have to sneak up on my slippers, but I do. It’s spider season and none of us is safe. I’d rather find a snake in the house than a spider. What about a bat? A bat wouldn’t scare me as much as a spider. Why, you ask?  Because spiders are sneaky little arachnids. They hide in the worst possible places, hunting for food, always at night. Pesticides don’t kill them because they don’t breathe. They play dead – I hate that. I’ve passed by a curled up dead one thinking I’d sweep it up later, and later…. it’s gone!!! But where? And here’s a piece of information I wish I didn’t know: You are never more than twelve feet away from a spider. I did not need to know that.

So I live in fear, sneaking up on my slippers, looking behind cushions, under the toaster… But where is the worst place to find a spider? I say on your white sheets while you’re in them.


Sue asks, “Please pray for Teka”

Sue sent this sad note today…

“Good Lord Jenny does it ever end!! Teka has just been diagnosed with a splenetic tumor!!  She went to the vet last evening and they called us back this evening with the results of her blood work. She has elevated levels in her liver and kidneys which means that her cancer has spread  Our hearts are so heavy right now. I hate to ask again, but please friends pray for her. We lost our first dog, Sheba, from this disease. I can’t believe this is happening again!! We took her for a 5k walk this morning and she wanted to keep going. Kya saw my jeep and ran for it!!

I’m so sorry to bring sadness to your website again, but you all know how much my dogs mean to me. Sorry JJ but please pray for her. Unlike Jess, this is cancer and it has a very low survival rate. I have to take off Monday to take her for an ultrasound. With that we will know where it has spread. Ugggghhhh!!! Just Pray friends!! Again, I’m sorry to be so depressing and needy!!”

I need a bigger purse

Every time I leave the house, which is usually to go grocery shopping, I find comfort in knowing that if I wind up stranded on a desert island, I will have everything I need to survive. I’m always adding new things to my “just in case” assortment of essentials and I think I need a bigger purse. Here’s what’s in it now…

Wallet – Scratch pad – A pen – A backup pen in case it runs dry – Breath mints – Reading glasses – Sunglasses – Folding glasses (for Denis) – Tissues – Handywipes – Bandaids – Neosporin – Teabags – Floss – Tooth soft-picks – Measuring tape – Roll of quarters for parking – iPad – iPad car charger – Cell phone car charger –  Hand lotion – Lip moisturizer – Sunblock – Vaseline – Hand sanitizer – Nail file – Nail clippers – Ear plugs for too loud movies – Chewable aspirin for anyone having a heart attack – A comb.

What do I still need?

Sue needs our prayers

“Jenny, my beautiful niece, Jessica, has been diagnosed with a very rare disease called Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. She is 100 lbs now and is 5′6″. I went to visit her this morning and all I can ask for is more prayers for her. I am so heart broken, she is so positive and I am too! But it is a very serious digestive disorder and the more prayers..the better!! I love you my Jess! ….Aunt Suzy”

“I just wanted to show you how beautiful she is.  This is her before she got sick. She is the one with the leather jacket that I bought her last Christmas. Next to her is my other niece Kiersten and Kyle my nephew in the back. I am so concerned about her I can’t stop crying. She is my sweetheart Jenny.  She is so positive about what is going on.  God Bless her!! Thank you for your prayers!!”

“p.s. She had a craving for a smoothie and I remembered your video and we are taking her one. Keep the prayers coming friends please!  …Sue”