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Rhonda’s (& Martin’s) Cats


“This is my 9 year old cat Gypsy. She is a tortoiseshell Maine Coon. She is the sweetest nicest cat, but then she does have an attitude from time to time. I got her from my cousin. The momma cat only had one kitten and she kept putting her in the wall down in the basement, so I got her at 5 weeks because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. I had to soften her food until she could eat hard food. I call her Bea-Bea sometime. Oh and Jenny, she is my squirrel catcher ;)”

“This is my 5 year old cat Dixie. She is a black and gray Ocicat. She’s my stray and she was about 6 weeks old when I found her in the backyard. I got all upset because I didn’t want to take her to the pound or a shelter so I kept her. I love her markings. I thought she was a tabby at first but the vet said she looks like a Ocicat because she’s spotted not striped. I will share more photos of her markings later…”

“This is my 2 year old cat Cleo. I don’t know what type of cat she is but she looks and feels like a Ragdoll. She is so soft and fluffy. I got her from my brother. We had Thanksgiving at his house the year my Dad passed and I tried to stay away from the litter of kittens he had because I knew I would end up taking one home. 2 hours after being there, here I am holding her and when I picked her up I knew I wasn’t letting her go…”


Martin says, “This is April she will be nine in the spring. She was rescued from the Ford Plant we had here before it got knocked down.”

5 Responses

  1. Rhonda says:

    Thanks everyone and Josh if I could have more I would. I think my 3 and the other 2 are plenty, plus we can only have 5 animals per household or you have to be licensed to have more. We have a couple strays my Mom still feeds and me too. I feed the strays at night when my cats are in so they won’t fight
    Martin. glad you could give April a home I have a stray I kinda rescued from my backyard. I don’t like to see strays with no one to care for them. That’s why I had to keep Dixie. Your cat is cute and I love those eyes. Your cat April looks like a mixer of my 2 cats Gypsy and Dixie…

  2. sue says:

    Very pretty Rhonda!! 🙂

  3. Roll Dog says:

    Nice looking cats.

  4. Josh says:

    Rhonda your cats are so pretty!
    I’m a cat lover myself and I always say If I could get away with it I would have a house full of them!

  5. Becky says:

    Hey Rhonda, thanks for sharing! They are all beautiful! 🙂

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