Blog Categories

December, 2011

“What If I AM a Black Woman?”

One of my favorite moments of all time as host of the Jenny Jones Show was during a Christmas episode we taped in the mid 1990s featuring children’s talent. A seven-year-old girl named Arbeny Davis came on to recite a poem titled “What If I Am a Black Woman?” and when she was done, the entire room erupted in cheers and applause. No one expected this kind of performance from a seven-year old. Click here to watch the video.

p.s. Arbeny, send us a comment if you see this. Let us know what you’re doing today. You must be a grown woman by now!

The King of Confetti

Remember Rip Taylor? He has made people laugh with over 2,000 TV appearances as far back as the Ed Sullivan Show. I was lucky to have him on my talk show back in the day… way back in the day.

The year was 1991 and I was doing my “practice” show in Las Vegas before we went national. Rip came on and did his thing that only Rip could do so well.

I hope you enjoy this 20-year old clip from Las Vegas.

Click here to see this fun video.

And the winner is…..

And the winner is….. Joe ! He came the closest with his guess of 120.

Congratulations, Joe!

There were 116 pieces of caramel corn in the jar. I would have taken another picture but somebody ate it all.:)

Joe is a devoted family man from Arizona and he might just spend his winnings on crafts which he loves to do with his daughter. He even printed out my recipe and is going to make some caramel corn with his daughter and nephew.

Thanks, everybody, for playing. I love doing contests and giving away money.

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We just heard from Joe who tells us he is married with a 13 year old daughter and they live in Phoenix, Arizona. “I have been working in childcare since the middle of 2009 after budget cuts eliminated my position in the education field.  This summer I returned to school to get my degree in Human Services so that I can contribute to something more rewarding.  I really enjoy reading everything about Jenny’s site and am glad she loves giving back with all the charity work she does.”  This picture was taken today with his nephew at the park. Congratulations again, Joe. Your gift card is on the way!

Christmas contest!

Are you Christmas shopping? Could you use some extra money? Do you feel lucky? If you could use  a $100 Visa gift card, all you have to do is guess how many pieces of caramel corn are in this container. I make caramel corn every Christmas to give as gifts (by the way, the recipe is available on my recipes page).

This beautiful cookie jar measures six inches from the top of the rim to the very bottom.  And if a few pieces of the popcorn stuck together in a clump, I counted each kernel separately.

It’s one guess per person, and whether you’re over or under, whoever comes the closest… wins $100.  The contest ends Friday.

By the way, the smiley faces on the blue ornaments happened by accident. The eyes are two lights I had on and the smileys are from the rim of the table. How about that?

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Anyone wearing a hairpiece should stay home

I had to sleep with earplugs last night because the house sounded like it was going to break apart. We had unbelievable wind gusts overnight, up to 97 miles per hour in some places! I couldn’t tell if the banging noises were from the doors shaking or windows rattling, or trees slamming against the roof, but I wasn’t going outside to find out.  I hid under the covers, trying to remember this was not an earthquake, and trying to sleep. Finally, I had to use earplugs which I don’t like to do because then I can’t hear the monsters when they come out of the closet (I should get some therapy for that!). Anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever felt winds like that in my life, where the house feels like it’s moving. Trees came down all over town, onto houses, cars, and blocking a lot of roads. There’s more coming tonight, so anyone wearing a hairpiece should stay home.