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May, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and to my stepmom, Roula.

I didn’t send her flowers because the last time she was here, I had made some of my caramel corn. Β She tried a bite and loved it but said she was too full and would have some later when we watched TV. But while we were watching TV, she fell asleep. Β So Denis and I started snacking on it and before we knew it, it was all gone. (I’m telling you, you can’t stop eating it!). The next day, she was going back to Vegas and asked if she could take the caramel corn with her. I had to confess and she couldn’t believe we ate that much caramel corn, but we did. We laughed about it and I promised I would make it for her another time. So I made a batch of my delicious caramel corn with almonds and walnuts (her favorite) and fedexed it to her overnight so it was fresh for Mother’s Day. By the time I called yesterday morning to see if it arrived, she already ate about half! I’d say she liked her Mother’s Day present, but now I need to make more… for me.

Spring is here!

The painters are gone.




I got my house back.




And I photographed some back yard flowers.




I had to add the smilies to make this page fit right.




More smilies.




Now it all fits. Enjoy my flowers.

Too much testosterone in my girlie place

It was a beautiful, sunny day today so I knew when we heard water drops on the living room floor, it was not good. We saw a leak that ran the length of our double doors so we had to put down a row of bowls to catch the water coming from the door frame. I called the plumber. I was not ready for this. Β I was already dealing with the exterior of the house being painted by a crew of twelve painters who have been here every day this week from 7 am.

The plumber came right away and had to cut into the wall of my bathroom – my sanctuary – my beautiful powder blue bathroom, tossing insulation and drywall onto my floor, to get to the broken pipe. The leak is fixed but now I have two giant holes in my wall. I started to imagine what might come crawling out of these openings so I just taped some fabric over the holes as a spider-block. Tomorrow: more painters… AND an electrician who is coming in the morning to fix an electrical problem guess where? In my bathroom! Why is this happening to me? I don’t want all these men up there! That’s too much testosterone in my girlie place. After they all leave, I’ll have to burn a smudge stick to cleanse the room, or some incense or candles to get rid of the butt-crack vibe and get my girlie place back.

All My Children

My talk show premiered in the fall of 1991 and one of my first big features was a behind-the-scenes tour on the set of All My Children including a sit down interview with its biggest star, Susan Lucci. Here we are chatting in Erica Kane’s wardrobe room. Now remember, this was almost twenty years ago but when you watch the video, look at Susan then compared to how she looks now. She looks awesome today, maybe even more awesomer (a made up word) today – how does that happen? I can’t say the same for the woman in the royal blue shoulder pads and bouncy hair… Hey, I just noticed my flying saucer earrings! Don’t look at me. Β Click here