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R.I.P. Jim Paratore

I was stunned to receive a phone call today that the man who decided to give me a chance and put me on TV with my own talk show, Jim Paratore, died today. We worked closely together for the entire twelve-year run of the Jenny Jones Show. And we just had lunch a few months ago to catch up. Jim was with Warner Bros. for almost 20 years. Some of the many shows he was involved with include Extra, Judge Mathis, The People’s Court, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, The Tyra Banks Show, and TMZ. Jim was well known and very well respected in the television industry. I was told he was on a biking vacation in France with his wife and had a heart attack. He was only 58 years old. This is such a shock and so sad, especially for his wife and daughter.

R.I.P., my friend.

5 Responses

  1. Sue says:

    My heartfelt sympathy to you, his family and all the lives he touched. R.I.P.


  2. Jones says:

    Jim truly was a really nice guy and a pleasure to work around. I was so sad when I heard this news. He will be missed. RIP Jim!

  3. MrsNews says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend…life is this proves it.

    Glad you have great memories of him


  4. Becky says:

    So sorry to hear of this, Jenny. It is always so hard to lose a loved one! 🙁

    RIP Mr. Paratore

  5. Rhonda says:

    A man very well liked and respected I’m sure. It makes me sad to hear of this and my thoughts and prayers goes out to you and his friends and family. With deepest sympathy, R.I.P. Jim…
    Take care Jenny and hugs to you…

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