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Academy Awards

Our streets have been blocked off all week for the Academy Awards on Sunday – it’s less commotion when the President comes to town! But I will be watching on Sunday, doing my own notes on who’s had work done and who should invest in a full length mirror. Plus I’m putting together my own list of who should win just to see if I have my finger on the pulse of the voters, or if the voters would give me the finger if I was right. 😉 Here are the nominations:

Best Actor: Javier Bardem; Jeff Bridges; Jesse Eisenberg; Colin Firth; James Franco

Best Actress: Annette Bening; Nicole Kidman; Jennifer Lawrence; Natalie Portman; Michelle Williams

Best Picture: Black Swan; The Fighter; Inception; The Kids Are Alright; The King’s Speech; 127 Hours; The Social Network; Toy Story 3; True Grit; Winter’s Bone

My choices would be: Javier Bardem (haven’t seen the movie but I think he’s sexy!), Jennifer Lawrence (haven’t seen the movie but she’s only 20 & a newcomer, how awesome would it be for her to beat the other “veterans?”, and Inception (haven’t seen it either but Denis liked it). Just because I haven’t seen the movies doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion, right?? 🙂

Who do you think should win?

7 Responses

  1. Tiffie says:

    Best Actor: Colin Firth even though I’m hoping my next husband (James Franco), gives us something pretty to put up on the mantle. Jeff Bridges is a great candidate, too.

    Best Actress: I feel it should go to Annette Bening. I can see Natalie Portman receiving the award, though. Both gave great performances.

    Best Supporting Actor: Geoffrey Rush, hands down. Jeremy Renner and Christian Bale were good (and hot!).

    Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo. Amy Adams and Hailee Steinfeld came very, very close to getting the award in my opinion. I think Melissa Leo just took her role, that extra bit-of-a-smidge further. All three of those ladies (and one little lady), were great.

    Best Picture: The King’s Speech. I’m pulling for The Fighter, though. I just see the The King’s Speech taking the award. Hollywood can be SO influenced, especially with everything going on with the Windsors this year. I’m sure anyone under the age of nine would say Toy Story 3! 😀 I’m SURE that will win Best Animated Feature.

    Best Sound Editing: Ok, I give…..(HAHAHAHAHA)

    Well, I made it home safe and sound, pampered and polished from my weekend getaway. I had a bowl of turkey chilli (as I do not eat anything that was born with four legs), remembered to give my predictions. Now I’m going to get comfy and watch many lucky and well deserved artists, receive their well deserved golden little men.


  2. sue says:

    James Franco General Hospital!!! He rules!!

  3. Josh says:

    Best Actor: James Franco

    Best Actress: Natalie Portman

    Best Picture: The Social Network

    and Melissa Leo for supporting actress :p

  4. Tara says:

    Inception was incredibly done. I really recommend you watch it. 3 of my friends and myself went to see it and we were very impressed 🙂 Leonardo isn’t too bad to look at either 🙂

  5. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I use to be good at guessing the winners but here lately I haven’t done bad but I’ve been better. Let’s see if I can get these winners right this year 😉
    I’m with Becky.

    Best Actor- Jeff Bridges is my pick also 🙂

    Best Actress- Natalie Portman is my pick…

    Best Picture- Inception—(Leonardo Dicaprio should’ve been in the list of Best Actors)

  6. Becky says:

    Best Actor: I’m leaning toward Jeff Bridges, although Firth will probably get it.

    Best Actress: I HOPE Annette Bening, but I think Portman will win out.

    Best Picture: I’m pulling for Black Swan, but we’ll “see”: I’m thinking True Grit might get it.

    What are your guesses Jenny?

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