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Air Force One

I actually was inside Air Force One today! Denis and I went to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley and the real Air Force One is there, inside an enormous hangar. It’s a Boeing 707 and it flew seven presidents: Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush. It’s huge! 152 feet long and the wingspan is 145 feet! No one could take pictures inside but it was so great to see where the presidents sat, all the (old school) computers, phones, fax machine, where the VIPs sat, and the press had to sit in the back, never allowed up front. Plus… the press didn’t fly free – they had to buy first class tickets. We also saw one particular seat where one person sat with a computer and he was the guy with all the nuclear codes. Always ready for anything, I guess. It was exciting to see it all in person, but this was not the highlight, my friends. The highlight of the trip was getting my senior discount. I asked for a senior ticket and got it. I said, “Aren’t you gonna card me?” “No.” Okay, that hurt a little.

4 Responses

  1. sue says:

    I don’t mean to get off the subject here, but; does anyone know anything about dogs with lime disease? My youngest Siberian, Kya, has it and she has been without symptoms for three years and all of a sudden my baby is dragging her legs again and whimpering when I touch her back legs. It breaks my heart! They are such worthless insects. Our dogs are our children, both of them get the Lyme vaccination every year but they say that it doesn’t keep them from getting the disease. I’m just wondering, have anyone of you out there been through this and what did you do??

  2. sue says:

    First of all, they shouldn’t count 65 as senior citizen! You know personally being at that age that you don’t feel old at all. I crack up seeing life insurance ads for ages 0-70. Excuse me?? What kind of age span is that!! 🙂 I’m glad that you got to see something that meant alot to you but as far as the senior citizen comment, please!! I hope my skin looks as beautiful as yours when I am 65. I know you are talking in humor but really, you do look great for the old fart that you are!! 🙂 🙂 Just kidding!!


  3. Josh says:

    Jenny why did you lie about being a senior? Just for the discount lol. 😉

    Rhonda is right you don’t look your age at all. I know it can sometimes be hard to accept a complement and own it but I swear It’s not butt kissing you look great for any age!!

  4. Rhonda says:

    lol…aww they didn’t card you? Shame on them! They must have been blind or was just a lousy worker. I don’t mean to laugh about it. It’s funny but not funny. They should have carded you if they were doing their JOB correctly 🙂 😉
    And…wow!… Air Force One looks huge from the outside. I bet it’s really nice and amazing inside. I wish you could have got some photos from inside. You would’ve had a lot of fun in taking those, but I can understand why you couldn’t…bummer!…
    Oh and Jenny you look younger than what you are. My guess is maybe they knew who you were and took your word for being a senior citizen, ya think? 😀

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