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How to have Glowing Skin

If you’re wondering what to eat for beautiful skin, here is a video I made showing which foods can really make a difference and give you beautiful, glowing skin. I always say, “Good skin care starts on the inside.” Of course the outside matters too, so always wear sunscreen (even on cloudy days), don’t smoke, and eat a healthy diet that includes my top ten foods to make you look fab!

2 Responses

  1. sue says:

    I eat about 6 out of those 10. I will have to add a few things to my grocery list. Great information JJ!! And you are living proof these things work. Lately, I have been taking a red pepper, tomatoes and baby organic carrots to work; and I always drink my green tea every morning.
    BTW, I bought the couple ingredients that I needed to make your lemon brownies this past weekend, but I didn’t get to make them yet. We had a couple friends over Saturday night for dinner and they both don’t care for lemons!! ughhhh! So I made your apple pie bars for desert. OMG!! They are soooooooo good!!! Unfortunately, they are gone!! 🙁 But, that just means it’s time to make the lemon brownies!!! 🙂
    Take care,

  2. Rhonda says:

    I love a lot of your top 10 items here Jenny and I eat them regularly. I need to add more fish to my diet though. I liked sardines as a kid but haven’t had them in years. Sardines isn’t so bad and you made me laugh saying don’t make a face you’ll cause wrinkles…lol… but I know some people don’t like fish at all and may not like the sardines, but they just don’t know the benefits of fish and how important it is to the body. Salmon is my favorite fish to eat. I love tomatoes and can eat them like an apple and blueberries are the bomb of fruits that I eat and I’ve mentioned beans. I have blueberries in the frig now. I’m wondering if those are still good so I can make your muffins…hummm…

    Oh and Jenny your skin looks amazing so I can see why people ask you questions about what you do to have such nice skin. It’s nice of you to inform us and to be honest about it. Your skin looks as smooth as a porcelain. I bet you hated such heavy make up every day when you were on tv with your talk show. I’m sure it wasn’t good for your skin and that’s why you do your own facials because it was a daily thing for you to keep a clear clean face. I hate make up. Even as a teen I didn’t like it…

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