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I hope he can recover

My stepmom’s husband is not doing well. He had stomach cancer surgery last June and since then the cancer has spread to his bones. He is back in the hospital after suffering a small stroke. It’s been a tough time for them both and I hope he can recover. It’s hard to think about anything else.

8 Responses

  1. ALANA says:

    I am praying not only for him, but for all who come in contact, family, friends, caregivers; even down to the mailman. May there be comfort in the time of pain, friends who understand and caregivers who really care. Know that all will work out, just keep the faith and enjoy the days you can.. “don’t count the days.. make the days count”!

    Alana B.

    • sue says:

      Hey Alana,
      I just have to say, VERY NICELY SAID! WOW! โ€œdonโ€™t count the days.. make the days countโ€! Words to live by my sista!!


  2. Dana says:

    Jenny, I’m so sorry to hear this news, and have been thinking a lot about him lately. Please give my best to everyone.


  3. MrsNews says:

    Jenny, I volunteer for Hopsice in the Kansas City area…please tell your stepmom if her husband gets worse to contact the (not for profit) Hospice in her area. I go to stay with the patient so the caregiver can run errands or have a little ‘me’ time. It is a wonderful organization for sure. Although I hope he can recover I have learned from experience to only pray for ACCEPTANCE of what is to come. It is a very easy prayer and takes a large burden from your shoulders. I am thinking of you.


  4. Rhonda says:

    Jenny, I’m sooo sorry to hear he’s not doing good, but many prayers are being sent and I just hope he can bounce back and get well soon…
    I want to tell you to stay positive, but I know it’s hard ๐Ÿ™
    Take care of yourself so you can be there for them…
    Hugs to you Jenny…

    Sending prayers,

  5. Becky says:

    Jenny, I cannot imagine how you all are feeling right now.
    I am SO incredibly sorry. ๐Ÿ™ I pray he recovers and can stay pain-free.

    Many hugs,

  6. Sue says:

    Jenny, just focus your energy where it is needed right now. We will keep him in our prayers.

    And Happy belated birthday Damon! We could have used your expertise this week, but my home computer is back up and running.

    Take Care,


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