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I’m 75 Today


I’m 75 today, thought I looked good & strong

But everyone seems bent on proving me wrong.

I shop for my groceries and feel like a star

Then someone says, “Do you need help to your car?”

At the nursery I got plants and am ready to pay

He says, “Lucky for you it’s senior discount day!”

I tried on some shoes at the mall I could wear

Salesgirl said, “My grandmother has the very same pair.”

We’re all getting older – this is not big news

So eat well, laugh often, and wear comfortable shoes.

 ~ ~ ~ ❤️ ~ ~ ~

I survived a pandemic so I can survive the scrutiny of posting an un-retouched photo taken on my 75th birthday. And I vow not to retouch the one I post when I turn 80!

77 Responses

  1. Brian says:

    As a fellow Gemini, we do always see the fun in life and have a young energy and outlook!

  2. G-Star says:

    You look absolutely gorgeous. I was a fan of your show in the 90s. You look so beautiful. If ever you’re in the UK and wish to hook up with somebody on the South Coast for a fun date, just for fun and with no nonsense then please do, get in touch! G, 44 Years old xxx

  3. Sharon says:

    I just got Jenny Jones cook book. Like the recipes.
    But on page 68, chicken soup, you say to discard all the veggies and meat.
    Now you have only a broth. Is that the soup?
    What’s to be done with all the ingredients.
    Also no picture on page 69 to show what you end up with.
    Thank you, Sharon

    • Sharon says:

      Was not asking about a show. Want to know about a recipe in your COOK BOOK on page 68.
      You do not say what to do with the veggies.
      Put them back into the broth or dispose them.

  4. G Mayer says:

    Keep up your zest for life as the world is a better place with you in it!

  5. Rhapsody says:

    Blessings, 💞 Jenny:

    I was relaxing after a days work and thoughts of you filtered in and I began to wonder, how you are, where you are, how you’re doing. You don’t me and the same is true for me but I know of you via your talkshow. I am glad to read you are doing well. Yes we are all aging, it’s the natural course of things and we ought take it with as as much grace as we can muster as the alternative leaves no options. Continued health, strength, contentment and happiness.

    Best regards:
    Rhapsody Phoenix
    Watcher of Jenny Jones. 🌹

  6. Wendy G says:

    Jenny you are beautiful as always, i met you while on two of your shows, the first one taped at CTV channel 9 Toronto called shop alocholics, i was a guest with ny sister sandra hinks(R.I.P) The second show was about abysive boyfriends, sandra, myself and my beice Christine clarke. Loved meeting you and had a blast on your show. Btw i now redide in your honetown of london ontarik since 2001.

  7. JGB says:


    I am a fan of your Jenny can cook YouTube channel. Although I’m ten years younger, I crushed on you (emotionally) because your TV persona is sweet. Just wanted to say thanks for the Pizza recipe/tutorial — both my son and I use it several times/year.

    God Bless,

  8. Martha says:

    I used to love the Jenny Jones show. You were my favorite.

    I just randomly decided to Google you when someone brought up talk shows. I was hoping to see you doing well and was not disappointed!

    You look absolutely AMAZING!!! also saw you gave some cooking shows that I am definitely going to watch when it’s not 2:30am 🤣🤣 love you Jenny!

  9. Louie says:

    Hello Jenny I used to watch the show a lot brings back some good memories. And you still look the same as you did years ago, just as beautiful then as you are now God bless!

    Truly yours Louie.

  10. Karen Kaufman says:

    Happy Belated birthday! I am 76 and know how you feel. You are a lovely lady and I enjoy the humor in your cooking podcasts. I also like how you put them together, quickly and easily put together, and good, reasonable priced ingredients. Please keep it up! We love you!

  11. Arbee says:

    I came across your website after thinking of you today! You look exactly the same–same lovely, wide smile and bright blonde hair! It’s good to see you looking healthy and well!

  12. Laura J says:

    Hi, Jenny! You are beautiful inside and out. I love your 75th birthday photo. Your recipes on You Tube are awesome. I can not tell you how many times I have made your meatloaf and spaghetti and meatballs. Look forward to your 80th birthday photo…however, hopefully time will go slowly – we don’t need to rush our birthdays. Thank you, Jenny!!

  13. JD says:

    Just came across your site. Your personal photos and honest/candid comments were touching. It’s clear your family both blessed and challenged you through the years but it’s also clear your eyes are open to the truths of it all. Your picture is lovely, but you don’t need anyone to say so as I suspect your eyes are open to that as well. Enjoy life’s journey!

  14. VM says:

    Wow! I think you look wonderful! I really miss seeing you on TV. You were always such a pleasure to watch. Your kindness and compassion always shone through all that you did.

  15. Pam Reno says:

    I’m almost 80 and watch your Jenny Can Cook show on YouTube. I have your cookbook/ recipes and I laugh at your humor in the kitchen! Thank you for your philanthropy and making the world a better place. ❤️

  16. Betty says:

    Omgggg… I watched you in my 30’s , thought you were beautiful then…. I’m 60 now and just saw this picture of you at 75 and you look amazing! I hope I look that good in 15 years.
    Keep doing you❤️

  17. jelaine says:

    Just finished reading your book online, and I’m still wiping tears away. I never had the pleasure of seeing your show, but I do watch your YouTube videos (btw, your recipes are fabulous). You are a beautiful lady, inside & out, and I wish you the best of all good things. God Bless!

    • "Slim Shady" says:

      Cant believe its been over 20 years since the last show. You changed my life when you had me on, and continued to have me back over the years. I miss the show, and miss you as well. You still look amazing.

      Let’s go do another show together. 😁

  18. Big B says:

    Gorgeous as always Jenny

  19. Miss Henri says:

    By accidently came across your cooking show on YouTube & that was during the pandemic first started. Youre super adorable & i love your silly sense of humor lol Why are you not cooking on your show anymore?

  20. Marsha Z. says:

    I had seen some previous Jenny Can Cook videos on YouTube.
    Thought you looked familiar, but couldn’t place you. Then I
    realized: I think she had a talk show! Glad to know that I’m right.

  21. Sherry says:

    You look so young and lovely.
    Thanks for the cooking tips and quick wit:)

  22. Miriam says:

    Omg you look fantastic!!! Love you Jenny!!! Watched your show faithfully and then your YouTube videos!!!

  23. Josh Cook says:

    You are still beautiful and still my #1 childhood crush. Thank you for such a beautiful heart and smile. You make the world much better. 😀

  24. Jsmith says:

    Lookin good Jenny. Interested in someone 10.years your junior keep on!

  25. Melody says:

    Beautiful as ever!!

  26. Deanne says:

    ❤ you’re wonderful at any age, beautiful bc of who you are on the inside as well.

  27. Vincent says:

    I think your a great show host. i truly enjoy watching your show.

  28. Dimitra Karatza says:


  29. Sal-Lee says:

    Your one year older than me and you sure are looking great Jenny. I kept looking for your cooking show and it just stopped ;-( I loved that show. That’s where I learned how to make the bread in the Dutch oven. I Stay healthy and safe. Greetings from N.Y. Not sure you will ever read these posts, but posting anyway.

    • Karen Kaufman says:

      Jenny Can Cook is on You Tube. You can see her podcasts there. That is where I get access to her recipes. Just wish she would do a few updates!!

  30. Debbie says:

    Hi Jenny! I’ve watched ll your YouTube videos and have been wondering why you stopped?!
    Im sure they would be popular again, as much as before!
    Please start doing them again.
    I really miss them and you!
    Debbie from Massachusetts

  31. Lesli says:

    happy belated birthday jenny.
    You look beautiful!!!
    Whats your secret to youth?
    I wish you many many more healthy and happy years. Lesli

  32. gary says:

    Often thought about you . Glad to see you are well and just as beautiful as ever! Stay well ! Gary

  33. george says:

    i am so sorry about your loss i have been waching your videos for some time now i have not tried your recipes yet but i am going to sortley my uncle was polish i have tride so much to get a recipe of a bread that he loved it was a kind of a round bread with lemonn cheese in the center if you know of this bread or recipe could you please send me the recipe i have been looking for this about fifty years now thank you so much happy new year to you and your family please keep safe and carry on your good work that you are doing god bless to you and your family

  34. Eileen says:

    Jenny, you look beautiful. Don’t change a thing you’re doing.
    “Happy 75 Birthday!”
    I’ve just discovered your ‘Jenny Can Cook’ show and I’m loving it.
    I’ve made a lot of your recipes, cakes and ribs and dinner and they are all fantastic.
    Thank you and be well
    Happy 2022

  35. Heather says:

    Hi Jenny!!
    When I was younger, I loved watching the “Jenny Jones Show” when it was on tv!! You were always my favorite talkshow host!! But, I just wanted you to know you are just as beautiful as u were bk then!! You truly haven’t changed a bit!! I don’t think anyone could believe ur actually 75!! But I truly hope u are doing well and that you are in good health!!

  36. Marlene says:

    You look amazing! I ran across your website kind of by accident, but I am so glad I did. I love watching your cooking videos on YouTube. You have such a calming voice. I can’t wait to try your pumpkin pie recipe.
    Many blessings to you and yours.

  37. SherriNDallasTx says:

    Wow! Do you feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside? Missing your cooking videos on YouTube that stopped in 2018 😢

  38. Randy says:

    Hello Jenny, I just discovered one of vids on Youtube regarding bread and then had a look at your bio on your website.

    WOW! Quite the life. Very inspiring to read. Thanks so much for being who you are.

    All the best, Randy

  39. Jana Bonds says:

    Hi Jenny! I hope all is well. You look great. No retouched photos needed. Not sure if you remember me. I only worked there for a little over 2 years. I ran across your blog/website. Wow. The memories flooded in including Dana, Dennis, Ed, Debbie, Brian, Gloria, Scott, Fletch, Bo, Karen, Tracy, Earl, Ron, Fernita, Mark, Wendy & so many more. It had a great time there. I jumped out of the 1st plane I rode in Skydiving with Dana and others on staff. I will never forget you telling me to leave early on Wednesdays to make Bible Study. My career started there but I switched to radio & love it also. No regrets. Just saying hello. Wishing you many years of health and happiness. God Bless you

  40. Terrie says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! You have always been BEAUTIFUL and still are!!! I LOVE your cooking videos!❤⚘🎂

  41. Ruthie says:

    Hello are you still watch your show back in my Heyday and I want you to know that I love what you doing now and I hope you know that you’re an inspiration two women all over the world including myself. This year I am alone for Thanksgiving and for some reason I thought about you and I hope you’re doing okay. I’m 38 years old and I’m a single mom with two wonderful little boys age 16 and 7 years old and I hope you’re doing okay. I have yet to find any friends in this new city that I moved to. Happy holidays and God bless period. Ruthie

  42. Mary Linda says:

    Jenny! You look fabulous!!

  43. Diana says:

    Good morning,
    I love your yt channel, and loved your talk show. Its late, but, Happy 75th birthday! I absolutely love your picture, what a breath of fresh air not having the fake photo shop version like so many other celebrities.
    Have a wonderful, and blessed day,

  44. Lee says:

    Hi Jenny,
    I hope all’s well. Merriam and Charles, have no words to describe your beauty. I had a crush on you back when we young. (Still kinda do.) Lol. From your smile to your heart, you have CLASS. And you can’t teach that pretty LADY. Happy belated Birthday. Stay Blessed and Young.
    Lee. 🎂🥂

  45. Annette says:

    Hello Jenny,
    Happy Belated Birthday beautiful lady! Please kindly consider sharing more easy recipes with us on YouTube. I miss your cooking videos. 🙁 Love your YouTube channel. All the best to you Jenny. Annette

  46. Gina Love says:

    You are absolutely beautiful Jenny Jones with a beautiful personality! I wish you well and more birthdays to come. I miss seeing your cooking videos on YouTube!.

    Take care and remain blessed.


  47. Maggie says:

    You look great, Sounds like you feel it to. Lucky you have such nice helpful people around you. Everyone knows your age so of course there going to refer to it..But just know when you walk away there saying Dam she looks good. Keep doing what your doing, it works..Hope you had a happy birthday..!!

  48. Steve says:

    My mother taught me the Duppa word. Loved hearing it! Where in Poland were you from? Have you had your genealogy traced? My grandparents were from Silesia, near Opole. I visited there five to seven times and now skype with relatives there and Polish/Silesians living in Brazil (found through genealogy).

    I’m on my 3rd round with your Gołąpki recipe and now found your blog. Thanks for sharing! I am 74 years old now and used to be the genealogist for several VIPs, including presidents and TV and movie celebrities. Now, I am giving back to society. You are an inspiration!

  49. Roxy says:

    Hello! I only knew you from your youtube channel. I noticed you had not uploaded a video for a few years and felt concerned. I found your website. I’m so glad you are alive and well and are such an amazing person. Thank you for sharing so much with the world. 🌷🌷🌷🌷

  50. Valerie says:

    Love seeing your smile! Happy belated Birthday!!!

  51. Lee says:

    Hi Jenny Happy Birthday!I love your YouTube cooking video’s. Im making your apple pie this week!
    Its been a while a since you made a video. I was worried about you. Glad you are well. You remind me of my most favourite HS class … Home EC. Thankyou so much for your amazing fun videos. God bless💗

  52. Mary says:

    Hi Jenny! Happy birthday!! 🎉 You look amazing! I am so happy to read that you are doing good. I’ve been watching your videos for years and as I was gonna make some whole wheat bread today I wondering how you were doing so decided to check out your blog. So glad I did! I want to thank you for teaching me so many yummy and easy recipes, I love making them.
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday day and many many many returns of the day! Many blessings to you and your family!

  53. Carol Garama says:

    Hi Jenny. Happy birthday to you.
    I stumbled on your cooking on youtube. With my first ever oven, i knew i wd bake and bake… but my baking was so horrible until i found you. I have baked twice in a row..😀 the chocolate cake and the cupcakes. Next will be the cinamon rolls and on to all the rest on your list. You make baking seem soo easy and fun… with ” who’s yo daddy”😎. Thank you so much. God bless and keep you. 🙏. I look fowrad to more healthy recipes for queenagers. 😁

  54. Valencio says:

    Hi Jenny
    I have searched through so many,
    But none of them are worth a pennny.
    But now I’m glad I found you because my search is through!

  55. CSchrum says:

    Happy Birthday to you Jenny! You’re beautiful!!!

  56. Christine Malaka says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I love your youtube recipes for choc cake and lemon cake. They are the nicest.
    I’d love you to make another video, same recipe, of your polish Pu-jelly donuts. They are so good. I’m not sure how you say it… it’s sounds like punshki or punshkis or else pushki. Just because of how good the recipe is, makes doing it again such a good idea.
    In the whole recipe incl the coating there’s only 2 tbsp butter, I think, or three. working men melt and and go aw my god. They REALLY work. They really are lovely, and you are very pretty…it has to be said.
    We sure do come from people who knew how to cook. You really can cook.
    From your slovak/ukie cousin. 🙂

    • Moterg says:

      I never watched your tv show nor really ever heard of you before today 9/4/21. I was looking at your cooking recipes on youtube as I am also of Polish extraction. I noticed your jokes at end of videos and really enjoyed your humor. I looked up your history and you have a very interesting background. Your joy is your stronghold. Keep laughing and keep cooking. I’m 68 and just really started enjoying cooking in the last few years cooking for my 90 year old father. Also, what else is there to do at our age with the Pandemic that is wholesome and keeps one out of trouble?!!! I also like tha td you are not selling or pitching anything on your videos and have a free download of your cookbook. You have a lot of special qualities. May God bless you and keep you.

  57. Will ogorman says:

    Wow,what a life you’ve had,I wondered what happened to you as you don’t post on YouTube anymore.So glad to see you’re still enjoying life.
    All the best from the UK X

  58. AlanD96 says:

    Hi Jenny!

    I was born on June 7, 1946 so I know exactly how you feel being 75.

    When I go to the Jewel food store here in Chicago, they often ask if they can help me with my groceries to the car and I just roll my eyes. I hate being reminded of my age. (Maybe I should remove all the mirrors in my house also, that would help.

    Glad you are feeling great also. Hopefully I can write to you on June 7, 2036 when we are both NINETY!!

  59. Da Wa says:

    Jenny, you are delightful and so funny. Happy birthday.

  60. Marilyn says:

    I think you still look beautiful! I’ve just started watching your YouTube cooking videos and have made several things. They’ve all turned out perfect! You are my inspiration 😀🙏

  61. CJ says:

    You look abfab. Do you have any exercise tips for staying fit?

  62. Adrian says:

    I’ve always loved the saying, “You’re only as old as you feel.” You feel like a star because YOU ARE, Jenny! My grandmother will celebrate 80 years on December 22nd and she absolutely loved your show. You’ve still got that beautiful warm smile that would brighten anyone’s day. I’ll be 35 in August and i’m starting to cherish every moment of life and learn to not let the words of others dictate my feelings. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and it’s such a blessing to be alive. Keep shining your light, Jenny and keep showing that gorgeous smile. God bless!

  63. Lyndal says:

    Hello from Australia. First of all I want to say I hope I look as good as you when I’m your age I will be 64 on the 26th on this month (June). Next I came across your site by accident and I have tried and still use a lot of your recipes. Ilovehow quick and easy they are. Love you and your sense of humour you are a joy to watch. Keep it up.

  64. Linda says:

    Happy belated Birthday!!!

    I hope you enjoyed YOUR day 🙂

  65. Sarah says:

    Jenny, you look fabulous! Happiest Birthday wishes! 🎂 🥳
    I miss your Jenny Can Cook YouTube vids.

  66. Rhonda says:

    Happy belated Birthday to you, Jenny and many, many more 🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳
    Take care and God Bless you…

  67. Ginlyn says:

    Happy Birthday. You look great.

    We share the same birthday and Polish heritage!

  68. Jude says:

    Happy birthday! You look lovely. Hope your day was full of blessings. You remind me of my Aunt Joy Chabot (60’s movie star). I am making your Acai jello today as I’m having trouble eating for med reasons. I’m so grateful because it was bothering me to have to eat lots of jello with food dye etc in it, so from the bottom of my heart- thank you!

  69. allen says:

    Happy birthday!! Wow you look great and we love your cooking channel on youtube 🙂

  70. Sue McCarthy says:

    Happy birthday JJ!🎂 You still look amazing! Many more!!🎂

  71. Tanya says:

    You go, girl! Happy Birthday!!! 🎂

    • Angela says:

      Hello Jenny, I just found you and let me say I wish to look fabulous like you when I reach 75! Wow!! You look stunning! Happy belated birthday!! 🥳

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