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6 Responses

  1. Sue says:

    My prayers go out to NYC!!!! The stories of death are just getting worse. I just heard a two year old and four year old who were ripped out of their mom’s arms during Sandy are dead their bodies were just found. How sad!!! 🙁


  2. Rhonda says:

    Jenny your photo is unbelievable I do agree. It goes to show just how powerful Hurricane Sandy was to cause a road to buckle and crumble like that…
    I’ve been watching the aftermath for the past few hours on tv and it’s sad to see all the destruction from this storm. 30+ people dead, 120 homes burnt down, a hospital had to transport 260 patients to another hospital including special care newborns who had to be kept alive by nurses during transport and a lot of flooding and now they say they fear looting. Thank God for the National Guards… These people have a long road ahead of them to rebuild their lives 🙁
    My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are effected by Hurricane Sandy and who have lost loved ones during this storm 🙁
    Take care everyone and stay safe…

  3. Marty says:

    I live in Edison,N.J. we were lucky we didn’t lose any power.but we had 80 mph winds and as I stood outside it did sound like a freight train and you see the sky lighting up in every direction where there would be transformers exploding and all that damage down the Shore Seaside Heights A.C. etc. etc. The Jersey Shore has changed forever But what does last forever in this life? right.

  4. Jenny says:

    My hometown of London, Ontario just caught the tail end of Sandy with rain, wind gusts up to 50 mph, trees and power lines down but nothing like the east coast. At least it wasn’t snow… yet.

  5. Becky says:

    My niece is in Hoboken, NJ and lost power at 10pm. Still without it as far as we know. She has a 4th floor apartment so she is safe, just dark and quiet, I’m sure.
    Hope to hear from her soon.
    My heart goes out to all those who are without power and who lost their loved ones. 🙁

  6. Sue says:

    Well the worst of hurricane Sandy is over but the wreckage is amazing! Power is out in 90 % of our county. We are o.k. obviously or I wouldn’t be blogging. 😉 Work called us this morning and told both of us not to venture in. They had to twist our arms but we complied 🙂 I hope power will be restored soon. I feel sorry for everyone without. We have been there too and it’s never fun. New Jersey got the worst of it. Real bad. Hope you’re o.k. Marty.

    (in Pennsylvania)

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