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Sister Golden Hair

Anybody who thought MY hair was big back in the day can start singing a different tune now.  Back in 1991, we did a show featuring twins – always looking for the ones you couldn’t tell apart. These stunning sisters, Sari and Staci, looked exactly alike and had us all mesmerized with their hair. They were great guests but as the host, my only regret was not asking how they did it… pin curls… rollers… curling irons… was it natural… how long did it take?

Sari & Staci, if you’re out there, I would love to hear from you.

Click here to watch the video.

6 Responses

  1. Rhonda says:

    Don’t you just hate it when you think after the fact what one should have said. I do that sometimes and it stinks. I like the more wild look than tamed. They have a pretty style but yours is cool shades 😎
    If you would have asked your questions you wanted to the twins you could have compared ways on how it’s done. You having the big hair going on back in the day was awesome. I like your ’85 photo shoot picture 🙂
    You had it going on in the ’80 with the big hair. I think the style you had helped you fit right in back then. You remind me of one of the Vixen girls with your style. You should have been the 5th girl in the group 😉
    In case anyone is wondering who Vixen is. I’m sharing a link…
    Female Rock Group

    • Tiffie says:

      Rhonda, I LOVE Vixen~! I ‘rawked’ the hair, too. My hair was VERY similar to the sixth picture, front left (Janet Gardner-lead singer). It’s still red, just not teased within an inch of its life 🙂


  2. Roll Dog says:

    Hot twins, I’d say.

  3. Becky says:

    Oh good, Jenny!!!! I hope so, too!! 🙂

  4. Jenny says:

    Yes, it is! (from 1982) Good eye! I hope they write to us.

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