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7 Responses

  1. sue says:

    Thanks Becky and Josh!! I hope you had a great Christmas!!!

    • Josh says:

      It was great I hope you guys had a great one a well! As a dog lover myself, let’s hear it for the Christmas tree fences! lol I learned real quick that they are a must when you have dogs 🙂

  2. Josh says:

    Very pretty Sue! I love your ceilings too btw.

  3. Becky says:

    Very, very nice, Sue!!!! Merry Christmas to you all!! :):)

  4. sue says:

    Thanks Joe and Rhonda! Warmest wishes to both of you!! Getting ready for our annual Christmas Eve Party!! Made Jenny’s Christmas Cookies too!!! yum!!! 🙂

  5. Rhonda says:

    Pretty tree, Sue. Very nicely done. A Christmas tree next to a fireplace is just is so perfect. I agree it looks so cozy…
    Merry Christmas to you and Mike and to of course Teka and Kya…

  6. Joe says:

    Sue and family that tree is beautiful. Your home just looks so cozy. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well. And wishing Jenny and her family a wonderful holiday as well 🙂

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