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8 Responses

  1. Becky says:

    Great job, Sue!!! Looks yummy! 😉

  2. sue says:

    Thanks Jenny, and I want you to know I did use organic peanut butter in the blossoms!! 🙂 Can you make those healthy?

  3. Rhonda says:

    Sue, I had to look up kiffles. Didn’t know what those were. I’ve never had’em but they look and sound delicious. I wonder what your Santa plate looks like. You have so many goodies on there I can’t see it…lol…
    Santa must have been a busy guy this year. Everybody’s got lots of left over cookies. Heck maybe he’s on a diet. I know these are healthy but maybe he made a rule to leave cookies alone when making his rounds 😉
    Jenny, your cookies are really good. I haven’t made them this year yet. Got really busy, but they are starting to cut hours at work and I have an extra day off New Year’s week, so I’ll have time then. I got some new cookie cutters. I bought the pack of cookie cutters for the star shape cutter for New Years because I didn’t want to miss out on making your cookies this year. I will make star shape cookies for New Years and serve those after dinner 😀

    • sue says:

      No leftovers here Rhonda, I took that picture the night of my party. They were gone. I can’t leave cookies out for Santa though…Teka and Kya!! 🙂

      • Rhonda says:

        Animals are almost human and they like human food, so I can understand why you don’t leave cookies out for Santa. I have 3 cats plus my mom and dad have a cat, so I have a total of 5 cats (indoor/outdoor of course). My mom’s cat is a trip. I can be at the counter making lunch and here he is reaching for what I’m making. I have to make him go outside so I can finish my lunch because he has me so tickled the way he acts. The only thing they plunder with or I’ve had to get on to them about is the Christmas tree but this year they only played with the skirt. I don’t put presents under the tree until Christmas Eve because I’m sure they would have way with opening them. I’ve heard of cats and dogs being bad, but for the most part I have well mannered cats…
        Oh and Jenny could you tell me if the blogbuddies email the right email to send photos to share. I’m not sure if I have the right address. I’m wanting to send some photos of my cats. I finally got some photos them…

  4. Jenny says:

    I’m glad everybody liked my healthy recipe. I know I do – I can’t eat just one. 🙂 Great photo!

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