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Sunday brunch

Sunday brunch is one of my favorite things and today, Denis and I had brunch with my makeup artist from the show, Earl Nicholson. We haven’t seen each other in 3 years so we got to catch up and stuff our pie-holes at the same time. Brunch was at the Hilton in Universal Studios and guess who was at the next table? Gloria Allred. This was some fancy brunch with spectacular displays with food carved into animals. The buffet was huge! I made six trips in this order: 1) omelette bar; 2) carving station; 3) El Salvadoran papusas; 4) barbeque station; 5) fresh fruit; 6) desserts. Wait, it was seven trips – I went for carnitas and beans, too.Β I know that sounds bad, but we did have to walk to the parking lot. Later, we watched the Academy Awards together and I can’t have company without serving a little something, so I made crudite, guacamole & chips, deviled eggs, tuna melts & grilled cheese, store-bought California roll, and grapes. I should probably skip my midnight snack. Β Here we are, together again…

Here’s Earl’s purple yam cake. Very purple… but very good!

5 Responses

  1. Earl says:

    Thank you again Jenny, I had such a great time Sunday. The brunch was “incredilicious” (yes, I know it is not a word but it should be. The food was incredibly delicious). I can’t stop thinking about the papusas and the lavender colored yam cake. Amazing food, I must go back.
    Sunday night at the Oscars was great too. It was like old times.
    You are right Rhonda, at the talkshow, we were like one big family and had lots of fun and laughter in between the work.

    • Rhonda says:

      Hey Earl, I’m sure you all are nice people like Jenny is and I can see why you all seem like family to one another πŸ™‚
      It’s great she opened her website up to us fans. I’m glad she did because me as a fan of hers couldn’t be civil to other fans on other boards because of negativity from non JJ fans. So thank you again, Jenny πŸ™‚
      I’ve said before, Jenny was the best and still is. I do give credit to the others who helped put a show together but Jenny is the one controlling it and taking it to a viewers liking. She knew how to have fun with the show and take it on a more serious level and I liked that…
      I can only imagine how things were behind the scenes. I’m sure it was good times for all of you…
      Oh and the yam cake is VERY purple. I’m sure it was delicious…

      Take care,

  2. MrsNews says:

    I love catching up with old friends!! How cool that you got to spend so much time together. I watched the Oscars with lots of my FaceBook friends…we shared cyber food so we didn’t have any weight gain or hangovers Monday morning!!

    Love the animated food…I would be ticked if someone took a slice and messed up my design….just sayin!!

    Take care

  3. Rhonda says:

    I’m sure lots of people who worked from the show with you liked you a lot because of the personality. I’m sure being around you just let’s others see you more clearly and who you are. Being in the same room as you when seeing your show just makes me see you being who you are more clearer. You are that great person I’ve seen for years on tv πŸ˜‰
    Oh and Jenny, it might seem bad eating at a buffet, but how often do you eat at one, ya know? I think buffets are okay, but some people can over do it and I’m sure you have control at a buffet when you do go to one…
    I’m glad you had a great day and enjoyed it. It’s great you got to see an old friend from the show…
    Great choices for a few tv snacks πŸ™‚

  4. jean says:

    I shouldn’t have read this till morning,now I’m starving hehehe.

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